March 13, 2022

Let Mommy Tell You A Story

    Mommy has lots of abdl stories she could share with you, but mommy’s choice for tonight is involving abdl humiliation.  And what is more so, than a grown adult being turned into a diaper baby.  A helpless little one that needs a mommy to take care of all their necessities. Mommy takes you and strips you completely naked, no need for those type of clothes anymore.  As you stand there blushing and trying to cover yourself, your new mommy takes and leads you into the bathroom.  Mommy points […]
June 7, 2020

Diaper Punishment Time!

Do you think that you have a choice in whether or not you are going to wearing these abdl diapers? I would usually think that your little defiant act is cute, but you’ve been misbehaving so much lately that I’m not going to find anything you do very endearing. Your tiny balls dropped a bit and suddenly you start thinking that you are a grown man, and don’t have too listen to anything that you are told! That’s unacceptable, and you need to be brought down a peg or two.  […]
January 24, 2020

Abdl Public Humiliation Assignment

Jack could feel his bladder hollering at him, the pressure pushing over into pain while he tries to hold it. The store employee (young, attractive woman, just like Auntie Brenda told him to look for) was talking to him, answering his questions, but she was giving him some strange looks; she’d be hard pressed not to notice his squirming, or the red flush he can feel burning up his face. She asks him if he’s alright, but before he can get a few syllables out his bladder just gives up, […]
September 30, 2019

Abdl DayCare

Katy really didn’t think that she was going to like going to an abdl daycare… it is a daycare, after all. Even though her abdl mommy had kept her in diapers for a few months and she was actually starting to enjoy them, but that was a completely different thing from anyone else seeing her in them, even if they were other babies like her! She was shy at first, but it didn’t take very long before she was playing with the other diaper girls, giggling when the nursey lady […]
September 22, 2019

Silly AB Playtime

Jimmie giggled as he ripped open another pack of abdl diapers, stacking them between the gaps in his makeshift diaper fort. Deeply lost in his littlespace playtime, the overgrown diaper lover burbled and cooed to himself as he continued his innocent mess making.  Silly baby Jimmie just wanted to play little prince in his baby fort when he saw the perfect thing to complete his decoration with! His Mommy domme would be so proud of him, he thought as he grabbed the pretty pink bottle of baby powder. He was […]
June 27, 2019

Games With Mommy!

When my favorite abdl calls me for some mommy domme phone sex I love to play a little game with him and my big diaper bag. I show him what it looks like and ask what he thinks is inside, playing a quick little peekaboo to give him a hint. Sometimes, Mommy is feeling nice and it’s a fun surprise like a new adult baby pacifier or a cuddly stuffed animal. But other times, especially if my diaper lover little one has been acting up lately, I like to hide […]
April 10, 2019

Weak Husband

Turner looked up at his wife. She was stunning. He couldn’t believe it had only been a couple of weeks since this all had started. He watched as she moved around the room that had been converted from his den into what it was now. He listened as she hummed their favorite song. It was all so surreal. She turned to look down at him. She had a semi-stern look upon her face. He knew he deserved what ever he was getting as punishment. He had come home a little […]
March 18, 2019

Diaper Girl Creampied

I want to watch you while you play with cute diaper Baby Barbie, because I have a voyeuristic kink.  I want both of you on the bed, her thighs spread and your head right in between them. Push her cutesy abdl diaper to the side and press your mouth to her pussy, suck on her clit and finger fuck her until her hips start to move, her diaper crinkling so loud!  Keep eating her out until she cums moaning on your tongue, just do it again to see if you […]
January 19, 2019

Ready To Go To Abdl Daycare?

I think we need an abdl daycare.  A safe place made just for abdl’s and their abdl Mommy’s would be a lot of fun! All the babies can play with each other while the Mommies chat and watch over their little ones.  Best of all is that even if a Mommy takes her eyes off her baby, she’ll know that with all the Mommies there that the chance of her baby being able to get up to something is very slim.  Playing fun games with the other babies will be […]
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