January 31, 2021

Turning My ABDL Babies Into abdl Sissies

Naughty abdl babies have many so many ways to be disciplined and there are so many abdl stories that I can share that relates to all of the many ways I discipline my babies.  No matter what, there so many adult baby diaper lovers that love to be disciplined.  Sometimes when my adult baby diaper lovers are naughty,  I would make sure to force them to dress up as sissies and invite my friends over to the house.  You should see the look of shock and severe embarrassment on the […]
April 16, 2020

Abdl’s Are Not Big Boys!

  Have I told you about one of my naughty babies? He’s been a very silly, naughty abdl, because he keeps trying to pretend that he isn’t a baby, he is a big boy, a grown man! We hadn’t gotten around to throwing out all his ugly old tighty whities or his horrendous boxers (silly me, I thought I could trust him!) and he took his diapers off when I was busy cleaning up to put on a pair of those undies. He thought he could be cute and walk […]
September 30, 2019

Abdl DayCare

Katy really didn’t think that she was going to like going to an abdl daycare… it is a daycare, after all. Even though her abdl mommy had kept her in diapers for a few months and she was actually starting to enjoy them, but that was a completely different thing from anyone else seeing her in them, even if they were other babies like her! She was shy at first, but it didn’t take very long before she was playing with the other diaper girls, giggling when the nursey lady […]
June 7, 2019

Sweet Giantess Mommy

What abdl wouldn’t want a giantess mommy, a woman large enough to hold you and coddle you as if you were just a child, a little baby? She would cradle you in her arms while pulling you up towards her breasts, while they press down all along your body, your hands squeezing and stroking her warm flesh with her nipple fills your mouth.  Her hands would rub down your back, her fingers running through your hair while you breastfeed from your Mommy!  Milk will fill your mouth as you suckle, […]
July 2, 2018

Adult Baby / Diaper Lovers / Age Play

Do you have a diaper fetish and find yourself part of the bdsm world? It seems the two don’t necessarily go hand in hand for many abdl’s but you can see a correlation for yourself. That being said you don’t find that a bad thing. The bdsm world is very exotic and varied in its pursuits and you do enjoy the freedom that gives you on a personal level. Do you find that it is a path of discovery? By that I mean you are not 100% sure where it […]
July 1, 2018

Naughty Baby Punishment!

I have one very naughty little adult baby that likes to go out to public places like Walmart wearing his diaper under his grown up pants and rub his hands against the front of his diaper when he thinks no one is looking! I have told him over and over not to do that, but that naughty baby will not listen! Scoldings, time-outs, and spankings didn’t work so what is an abdl mommy supposed to do? I told him that since he like doing like in his diaper out in […]
March 26, 2018

Diaper Cummies

  Mommy’s little baby boy woke up this morning with a funny tickle in his wittle bitty pee pee. Wriggling around his crib on his belly, baby boy starts to rub his crinkly adult baby diaper against the softness of his crib. Ooo, what is this feeling welling up inside your little self? Mommy is watching from the doorway as her little stinker rubs and wriggles all over his crib, his diapered bottom waving in the air. Baby’s pee pee feels good like that, but even better when Mommy comes […]
January 18, 2017

Adult Baby Gets A Trip To The Doctor Part Two!

So I get finish putting your Adult Diaper on and then get you dressed in your really cute wittle outfit and then pack you a diaper bag with 10 diapers a pack of wipes, two bottles with formula already pre-made in them so I only need to add water, and rash cream, a change of clothes and a sippy cup that has some apple juice for the ride there. and a bag of snacks. And oh I almost forgot plenty of plastic pants. I slide on your shoes and your […]
October 15, 2016

Look At My Naughty Husband!

What is this? Did you think I wouldn’t find out that you loved wearing Adult diapers? Are you kidding me, you little fucking baby! I always knew you wasn’t a man, and after seeing this I know you are definitely not one!What am I going to do with you? Well, first I want you to take off all of your clothes, and take all of the ones out of the closet!Now I want you to cut them all up! Don’t give me that face! And I am no longer your […]
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