April 24, 2016

When Spanking Isn’t Enough

#I had just finished giving my little princess a good over the knee spanking and her bottom was nice and glowing red when a thought hit me.  Little Missy has been acting up so much and I have constantly been having to paddle her cute little adult baby bottom almost every day for the past week and it hasn’t corrected her behavior the way I wanted it to.  Time for this Mommy to get creative I thought to myself as I rubbed cream on her very red bottom and watched […]
April 12, 2016

Wanna Meet My Mommy?

Hello all my fellow bABys this is Janey’s little Adult baby girl here!!  I just wanted to tell you how much I love wearing my Bambinos belissimo diapers!!  They’re my favorites and oh so soft!  Mommy takes care to only get the best for me.  I like to crawl into Mommy’s lap and just snuggle with her since I just love the feel of her soft skin against mine.  I love to smell her sweet perfume like honeysuckle as I am snuggled up with her.  Every morning she wakes me […]
February 8, 2016

Food Is Sexy & Sex is Food

I absolutely love to eat. I love trying new food. And I’m a sucker for sweets like cakes and cookies and chocolate. I also love sex but combining food and abdl-sex, is one of the sexiest things I’ve ever heard of. It’s like combining sweet with even sweeter. It’s liable to give you a toothache. Just imagine your favorite sexual conquest with your abdl-lover and add a favorite foodie item in the mix. Like being tied up on the bed, normally if you like being dominated, is a fun task. […]
February 8, 2016

Food Is Sexy & Sex is Food

I absolutely love to eat. I love trying new food. And I’m a sucker for sweets like cakes and cookies and chocolate. I also love sex but combining food and abdl-sex, is one of the sexiest things I’ve ever heard of. It’s like combining sweet with even sweeter. It’s liable to give you a toothache. Just imagine your favorite sexual conquest with your abdl-lover and add a favorite foodie item in the mix. Like being tied up on the bed, normally if you like being dominated, is a fun task. […]
January 10, 2016

Learning to diaper pt 3

(Part 2) We then just bring up the front of the diaper and fasten each side tight enough to keep it from sliding down when you stand up. You certainly don’t want all of your hard work to just fall off in the floor at that point.  Now you are in your diaper and it is your choice if putting a second diaper on over the first would be best for you or maybe a pair of rubber pants over the diaper. If you think you may potty a lot […]
January 9, 2016

My Favorite Part of Being An ABDL Mommy

As an ABDL Mommy, it is very important for me to take care of my babies. I love to take care of them in every aspect of their day. Whether it is, being a nurturing Mommy by spoon feeding them breakfast or breast feeding them a snack, a fun Mommy by blowing raspberries on their bellies and making them giggle, or a stern Mommy by giving them spankings and putting them in time out when they misbehave, there is no part of my day that I just don’t love. I […]
December 10, 2015

Holiday Present For Diaper Lovers

For those that celebrate Christmas, this can be a very exciting time. What’s not to love about a decorated tree, strings of shiny bright lights, and getting to sit in Santa’s lap? He knows if your name is on the ‘naughty or nice’ list, so you should be on your best behavior if you want lots of presents! Indulging in fun diaper fetishes doesn’t put you on the ‘naughty’ list, just so you know.  Wouldn’t boxes of diapers under the Christmas tree be an exciting surprise? Maybe handmade cloth diapers, […]
December 6, 2015

Mommy Barbie Babysits

I was called to babysit such a lovely little sissy boy weekend. Her mommy left and for a while we played games and watched movies, but eventually I noticed that his little clitty was getting hard in her diaper. I knew that if I wanted to be a good babysitter I would have to help her fix it. I told him to come to his changing table so that I could change his diaper. She got up on the changing table and I pushed up her little skirt up and […]
December 4, 2015

Birthday for Baby!

There’s a special adult baby who’s birthday is coming up! How fun would it be to have a ab/dl of my own? I can imagine all the celebrating we would have! I would blow up colorful balloons and string them up in the nursery. Maybe even tape streamers to the walls! And what’s a birthday without cake? I would even make it myself. Lots of frosting and sprinkles, and candles. My baby would be sitting in their highchair when I come around with the big cake, and singing ‘happy birthday.’ […]
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