April 10, 2019

Weak Husband

Turner looked up at his wife. She was stunning. He couldn’t believe it had only been a couple of weeks since this all had started. He watched as she moved around the room that had been converted from his den into what it was now. He listened as she hummed their favorite song. It was all so surreal. She turned to look down at him. She had a semi-stern look upon her face. He knew he deserved what ever he was getting as punishment. He had come home a little […]
March 18, 2019

Diaper Girl Creampied

I want to watch you while you play with cute diaper Baby Barbie, because I have a voyeuristic kink.  I want both of you on the bed, her thighs spread and your head right in between them. Push her cutesy abdl diaper to the side and press your mouth to her pussy, suck on her clit and finger fuck her until her hips start to move, her diaper crinkling so loud!  Keep eating her out until she cums moaning on your tongue, just do it again to see if you […]
January 21, 2019

The Young Step Mommy Warning!

 Well, I can see you didn’t take your new stepmommy seriously. I told you when I left on the honeymoon with your father that I expected you to be moved out by the time we came back. You’re 23! You need to be out on your own.  But I also said you had a choice – if you wanted to stay, you could. But if you were going to be living here like a little Abdl child, it was going to be just as though you are a child! No […]
January 19, 2019

Ready To Go To Abdl Daycare?

I think we need an abdl daycare.  A safe place made just for abdl’s and their abdl Mommy’s would be a lot of fun! All the babies can play with each other while the Mommies chat and watch over their little ones.  Best of all is that even if a Mommy takes her eyes off her baby, she’ll know that with all the Mommies there that the chance of her baby being able to get up to something is very slim.  Playing fun games with the other babies will be […]
September 9, 2018

Dumb Diaper Princess

My, my, just look at what we have here! A sweet adult baby girl all dolled up and double diapered in a thick layer of pink crinklyness. And after all of that lovely abdl hypnosis play, our little sweetie here is just totally regressed! Isn’t that right, princess? Haha although she may look like a grown man in a thick disposable adult baby diaper, what you’re looking at is adult baby Mommy’s diaper princess, abdl regression complete and only able to babble at her dommy mommy and mess her diaper […]
March 24, 2017

Spanking Phone Sex With Mommy Susan

Most of the time I am very loving and caring towards my adult baby every now and then I like to be strict and firm. I love a good tushy because when my baby is acting bad or doing things mommy does not like, I enjoy bending my baby over my knees and pulling down his pink plastic pants with taking down his diaper. I like to see the sweet little bottom and I being to lightly touch his baby bottom and then giving it a  spanking! I love when I […]
January 18, 2017

Adult Baby Play Date!

I have some exciting new! I have called some of my girl friends and they’re going to be bringing over some of your Adult baby friends and we are going to go to the park together and get some ice cream but first I am sure you wanna play with them here at the house and show them your new furniture in your Abdl nursery! And all of your new toys! I know Look how excited you are! Now come here I have a little secret for you I also […]
November 14, 2016


I can not believe I just found you in little girl panties. Are those the ones I told you couldn’t have last week at the supermarket? Where did you get them! I certainly never bought those for you! You’ve been what!? Stealing from my wallet! How dare you! I think a fair punishment is what you need. To your room right now! You know the problem isn’t that you want to wear ladies’ panties, it’s the part where you stole from mommy. After everything you want you adult diapers and […]
April 14, 2016

In Trouble pt 2

Still pulling her by the ear I placed her in the corner and told her she better not think of moving out of that corner.  I grabbed the straight-backed chair from our kitchen and placed it in front of the large bay window and then opened up the blinds and drew back the curtains.  Next I told the penitent little baby girl to crawl over to me.  I sat down in the chair and pulled my little ABy girl up so she was standing in front of me.  Unzipped the […]
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