February 5, 2012

ABDL Reality

This past week I was away for a bit, and found myself seriously missing all the abdl fun! I love my life of being an abie sitter! Being able to diaper and care for all my abdl friends makes me soo happy! It seemed like my whole focus all week was about “How this cute blue romper would look on abie Jack” or “I wonder who is making my little sissy aby Paula keep his hands out of his messy nappy!”  Just wanted to let all my adult abies and […]
January 22, 2012

I Heart Diaper Lovers!

I love real, true blue diaper lovers! The ones that show no shame in being comfy in their nappys, diapers and plastic pants! The ones who walk past me in store and I can hear the shuffling noise from their disposable diapers! You know who you are and I want you to know that I love our special playtime! Cum Play in My ABDL Toy Box! Jenna 1-888-430-2010 http://phoneamommy.com  
January 14, 2012

ABDL fun with Jenna!

Hello to all my ABDL friends! I love playing Mommy for you! Changing your soaked diapers and making you nice and clean! An I absolutely love my naughty abies who get a stiffy when I’m wiping them clean! I know you make me change you so much because you love the feel of my soft hands rubbing the abdl powder in! Cum Play In My Toy Box Jenna 1-888-430-2010 http://phoneamommy.com
January 14, 2012

Adult Babies Plastic Pants

Look at these plastic pants, dont you just love them! I sure do. And I am looking forward to put my diaper lovers and adult babies in these babies for the New Year Celebration! I want you to look and feel like the Baby you Are! And that begins with Mommy making you look as good as you can with these stylish and leak protection of course LOL. Looking forward to a Diaper Filled New Year! Mommy Sara 1 888 430 2010
January 11, 2012

Just the Solution

So you want to act like a little two year old do you?  Whining, refusing to do for yourself, and gallivanting to all hours of the night do you?  Well I have just the solution for you!  You want to act like a brat, then you will be treated like a little bratty kid, and that includes a diaper, a pacifier, and if necessary a paddle!  Oh, and did I mention that this would be your work attire as well?? No? Well get use to it little one!   Call […]
January 5, 2012

My Diaper Boy

You feel the soft warm diaper cover your bottom. It caresses you as I pull it between your legs. You smile happy to be clean, but I know you will soon wet your diaper. You enjoy the warm squishy feeling of the wet diaper on your little weenie; enjoying the way it caresses you, the way it cradles your little boy balls. You rock back and forth to feel it mold around you keeping you warm. When it gets cold you cry, you know Nanny will come give her diaper […]
January 4, 2012

Forced Fed Baby Food

Taking care of my brother is a real drag he makes my life hell but I find ways to torcher him like force-feeding him baby food. Larry is five years old and is a total brat. He throws temper tantrums whenever I have to watch him he acts so childish! Tonight when Mommy and Daddy are gone I plan to restrain him with my pantyhose and force-feed him that baby food again just to prove to him who is in charge! I have another little surprise for the brat I […]
January 4, 2012

That Time of Year!!!!

It’s the time of year when everyone turns their attention toward the Superbowl. Personally, I’m not a football fan. A couple of years ago I became a New Orleans Saints fan because I like their team emblem–the fleur de lis. Yes, that’s how I picked my favorite team. From the emblem on their jersey’s. What can I say? I’m not a sports fan and I’m a natural blonde. But at least I’m entertaining. One thing about the Superbowl I do like is the half-time show. I drooled over Bruce Springsteen. […]
December 31, 2011

Patient Role Play at Phone a Mommy

    You are overdue for a check-up! You better call Phone a Mommy’s very own Nurse Betty for a Patient Role Play! You are full of toxins and need a cleansing and as your personal Nurse I know just what your body needs. I know all about you actually, I know all your sensitive spots, each delicate orifice and every inch of your body inside and out. You are so very lucky to have Nurse Betty as your personal Nurse here at Phone a Mommy, all the personalized attention […]
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