June 8, 2012

Diaper Lover

You hear the crinkling underneath your pants as do I, you look around wondering of any one else notices; you smile as you squirm in your seat on purpose. Peeking your eyes up at me you see me smile at you. I take such delight in hearing you squirm around on your padded diapered bottom. Your giggling so hard to yourself that you just can no longer hold in your bladder. You let it all go as you begin to giggle louder I look up at you and delight in […]
May 17, 2012

mommy’s dirty diaper lover

Mommy’s dirty diaper lover. He likes it when we get real down and naughty. Mommy takes him to her blanket fort where no one can see what kind of sweet touches he gives to me. we have all the plushest diapers that you can buy. Only him and me get to experience the hot night’s under the blankie we spread out in mommy crissy’s nursery. He is so lovable and kind and knows just how to make me unwind. Loves mommy’s milk and is such sleepy boy after a feeding […]
May 17, 2012

mommy’s dirty diaper lover

Mommy’s dirty diaper lover. He likes it when we get real down and naughty. Mommy takes him to her blanket fort where no one can see what kind of sweet touches he gives to me. we have all the plushest diapers that you can buy. Only him and me get to experience the hot night’s under the blankie we spread out in mommy crissy’s nursery. He is so lovable and kind and knows just how to make me unwind. Loves mommy’s milk and is such sleepy boy after a feeding […]
May 16, 2012

Adult Baby Nursery

You thought you could hide it from me – your little adult baby desires.  You thought you had your diapers and onsies and binkies stashed away safely, where I would not find them.  You thought you cleared your browser history as to not leave any bread crumbs to your little obsession.  You thought that if I found out who and what you truly are, I would run away as far and as fast as I could.  But you were wrong.  I found your stash of adult baby gear; I found […]
May 14, 2012

ABDL Nighttime Stories

Come curl up with ABMommy Sara for the evening and let me read your favorite ABDL Nighttime Story. Mommy Sara loves to take care of her abdl’s needs making certain your tummies are as full as your diapers before you rest your head on Mommies lap and I lull you off to sleep as I read your favorite bedtime story. I have a large collection of Beddybye Books, but don’t you worry if I don’t have it I will find it (thanks to the Internet hehehe) So what might you […]
May 6, 2012

ABDL Surfin

Ought oh, you better be careful ABDL Surfin while you are at work. I know that you just can not help yourself though can you. You try and sneak some surfing time in here and there while the Boss Lady isn’t watching. Your mind just keeps wandering and your fingertips cannot help but to want to obey what your brain is urging you to do. To Surf some more. You imagine that if your Boss Lady catches you she might show some leniency But perhaps she has other ideas in […]
May 3, 2012

Sweet sissy girl

Be my sweet sissy abie girl and mommy will make sure you get everything that you need to be a happy sissy girl! I hope my sweet little sissy boys are doing good? i have a great story to tell you about a 2 girl call i had with my friend Kita, she played the mommy and i was the auntie, and abie Damon was our sweet little sissy girl. sissy Damon wanted to be a very good girl for both mommy and auntie phone sex Crissy. we changed her […]
April 29, 2012

Listen up my abdl boys and girls

Listen up my abdl boys and girls I am very sweet mommy but I can get sour real quick if provoked Give me some naughty lip and this phone mommy just might take you over her knee. But then you might consider that a suprise treat and not a punishment for your behavior. So mommy would have to devise a whole new system of discipline insert wicked laughter here. We will just have to see what deliciously devious things I have in store for you. Mommy comes equipped with many […]
April 5, 2012

Easter with Diaper Girl Mandy

Spring is in the air and it is time to play! Nothing says abdl fun like spring time and Easter! I have some Easter Eggs hidden and I bet you cannot find them? Do you think you can? I am a really good at games, they don’t call me Manipulative Mandy for nothing ya know! I have some in some spots that only a brave adult baby would search for. *giggles* My Love Eggs are very stimulating and hard to find! If you are good I will give you clues […]
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