September 21, 2012

ABie Needs

Awwww, what is it my sweet little Adult Babie?  Why the sad face?  Are you in need of some one-to-one time with a Mommy that really knows how to nurture you? To take care of you? A Mommy that knows how to play those “special” games with ABie?  Now now sweetheart, no need to fret, Mommy Gina is here to make everything all better.  l am a soft and sweet Mommy; firm when I need to be, but just nonetheless – I know what is best for all my little Abies. Perhaps you need to be potty trained, or maybe you just […]
September 18, 2012

Where have all the sissies gone?

We have a sissy who is so proud to be a sissy. Her name is Stephie. And who wouldn’t be? Proud to be a sissy, that is. Everyone loves sissies. Every time I change his diaper it’s glaringly obvious why he’s a sissy. He was born with itty bitty sissy parts and his mommy loves to tease him about them. He and his mommy are  a perfect fit.  But he’s torn about coming out as sissy to his friends and Mommy Crissy is trying help him understand they probably already […]
September 16, 2012

Regression Potion

Mommy made a special potion, a regression potion. When my unsuspecting husband gets home tonight, he is in for a big surprise. He acts like he wants a mommy more than a wife… well THAT is exactly what he is going to get. He acts like a big baby all the time now, if that is what he wants then so be it. I am going to show him what it’s really like and I will have ALL the control. As soon as he comes in the door, I will […]
September 13, 2012

Locking Punishment Pants

Well now, my naughty naughty little one – yes you!  You know very well that I’m talking to you.  Did you honestly think I wasn’t going to find out what you did?  And then not only lying right to my face, but getting mouthy and fresh about it as well – tsk tsk tsk. I have the perfect item that will help all you bad Abies know where the boundaries and what will and what will not be put up with.   After I get you thickly diapered, Mommy will lock […]
August 30, 2012

Wish for a sweet diapermom

I am here at your command in my silky genie garb waiting for you to decide on what you want for your wish maybe you should wish for a sweet diapermom,that sound’s wonderful does’nt it? I cross my arms & nod my head. Before your very eye’s I am transformed from a genie with shiny hair into a very sweet and sexy mommy. Your wildest dreams come true right before your very eyes. I am equipped with arms that can always make you happy and also cuddle &soothe abie. I […]
August 29, 2012

Electric Diaper Training

Oh my, when I saw this I almost wet myself!!  How absolutely delicious!  I’m thinking, this I have GOT to get!  And they even come with suggestions on the use of such a device.  Thought I would share and let a few of my little ones know what’s in store for them, hehe:   THE TEST SHOCK: You will be put into the training diapers, then asked to wet. The the voltage is then slowly increased to find your waking pain threshold. The level is then increased to +15% NIGHT […]
August 27, 2012

For those who are nervous about their first time….

Don’t be! Nervous, that is. It’s not unusual for the phone to ring and the caller to hang up, or to hang up before we finish processing. We try our best to make regulars and newbies feel as welcome as possible. If you’re feeling nervous, check out We have a forum where you can post your questions to be answered by the original phone mommies. Come over to the chat room and get to know us. We want you to feel like you’ve found a home!! Look forward to […]
August 23, 2012

Punished by Mommy: For your Own Good

Oh honey, what is Mommy Lexus going to do with you?  Here we are, in the middle of the mall, and you go and piss your pants, making a puddle in the middle of the floor.  I am so disappointed in you right now (and more than just a tad upset and angry)!  It seems I have no choice but to put you in diapers – after cleaning you up first of course.  Now now, stop your fussing.  Yes, I’m going to clean and diaper you here on the bench […]
August 16, 2012

Dress up

I have a nephew – his name is Jake.  Tonight his Mommy and Daddy are going out to a party, and they’ve asked me to babysit, which I do often.  I always have fun with lil’ Jakey, but tonight, we are going to have an extra special good time ;). You see, Jake really has a dirty little secret and I have promised to never tell his parents…as long as he’s a good boy for Maggie.  It seems Jake really likes to put on mommy’s clothes when she’s not home.  […]
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