April 14, 2016

In Trouble pt 2

Still pulling her by the ear I placed her in the corner and told her she better not think of moving out of that corner.  I grabbed the straight-backed chair from our kitchen and placed it in front of the large bay window and then opened up the blinds and drew back the curtains.  Next I told the penitent little baby girl to crawl over to me.  I sat down in the chair and pulled my little ABy girl up so she was standing in front of me.  Unzipped the […]
February 8, 2016

Food Is Sexy & Sex is Food

I absolutely love to eat. I love trying new food. And I’m a sucker for sweets like cakes and cookies and chocolate. I also love sex but combining food and abdl-sex, is one of the sexiest things I’ve ever heard of. It’s like combining sweet with even sweeter. It’s liable to give you a toothache. Just imagine your favorite sexual conquest with your abdl-lover and add a favorite foodie item in the mix. Like being tied up on the bed, normally if you like being dominated, is a fun task. […]
February 8, 2016

Food Is Sexy & Sex is Food

I absolutely love to eat. I love trying new food. And I’m a sucker for sweets like cakes and cookies and chocolate. I also love sex but combining food and abdl-sex, is one of the sexiest things I’ve ever heard of. It’s like combining sweet with even sweeter. It’s liable to give you a toothache. Just imagine your favorite sexual conquest with your abdl-lover and add a favorite foodie item in the mix. Like being tied up on the bed, normally if you like being dominated, is a fun task. […]
January 9, 2016

My Favorite Part of Being An ABDL Mommy

As an ABDL Mommy, it is very important for me to take care of my babies. I love to take care of them in every aspect of their day. Whether it is, being a nurturing Mommy by spoon feeding them breakfast or breast feeding them a snack, a fun Mommy by blowing raspberries on their bellies and making them giggle, or a stern Mommy by giving them spankings and putting them in time out when they misbehave, there is no part of my day that I just don’t love. I […]
December 4, 2015

Birthday for Baby!

There’s a special adult baby who’s birthday is coming up! How fun would it be to have a ab/dl of my own? I can imagine all the celebrating we would have! I would blow up colorful balloons and string them up in the nursery. Maybe even tape streamers to the walls! And what’s a birthday without cake? I would even make it myself. Lots of frosting and sprinkles, and candles. My baby would be sitting in their highchair when I come around with the big cake, and singing ‘happy birthday.’ […]
December 1, 2015

Hot for Mommy Part 1

Mommy Candy’s ABDL is named Jeffrey and he is a very shy sort of ABDL.  I really don’t make him go out much unless he wants to.  Well one day I was cleaning his room as I always do on Tuesdays and I stumbled across something that took me by surprise.  Jeffrey’s drawer was opened about midway and there was something pink and lacy kind of hanging out.  I went over and found a drawer full of my panties.  Some were clean and some well….were not so clean.  I do […]
October 10, 2015

Hungry Little Baby

When I got home from work today, my aby would not stop crying. I tried to change his diaper, but it was clean! I finally decided that he was probably hungry. I heated up some formula for him and put it in his bottle, but he wouldn’t drink it. After I tried to make him drink for a few minutes, I realized that he just didn’t want the bottle—my aby wanted his milk straight from Mommy’s titty. I had been pumping my milk for him a few times a week, […]
September 11, 2015

Fun With Baby Bottoms

  Mmmm so many fun things can be done with sweet ABDL baby bottoms.  I get to clean them, bathe them, diaper them, spank them and enjoy them with fun toys as well. Yes I do love my adult baby’s bottoms. Whether boy, girl, sissy or toughie all of their bottoms are fun and mine for the taking. When I see a freshly diapered bottom I know that soon I will be having fantastic fun with it. Just yesterday my baby Lily, a 35 year old man that love to […]
September 3, 2015

A Messy Diaper

  You, my bad bad sissy boy, deserved to be punished. You’ve made me change you 3 times in the last hour. You’ve started whining again that your diaper is full, well you are just going to have to suffer. Nope, no matter how you beg or bribe me I will not change you. In fact I will force feed you more to make that diaper dirtier. Come here, baby. My breasts are swollen with sweet juicy milk and you are going to drain them dry. That’s right suck it all, […]
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