December 25, 2021

Grannie Minnie Has Sexual Fun With Her Male and Female ABDLs

I am Granny Minnie and I am the one that sets all of the rules when it comes to my abdl girls and boys.  I am sure that there are thing that they like that they want for me to do to them sexually and that is fine for them to have these thoughts and feelings, but I decide what I will do next when it comes to abdl roleplay. I am sure that there are many abdl stories that my abdl boys and girls have heard about me and […]
April 19, 2021

Becoming Alberta Crossdresser

Albert was a loner – a sad and unhappy old man who kept to himself every opportunity that he got.  He lived alone as his wife passed away and he had urges that he could not share with anyone due to his antisocial nature.  He kept himself busy by going to adult sites online and reading a series of abdl sex stories. He was more than turned on he was intrigued.  He felt that the more that he read about the diverse world of the abdl community – he enjoyed […]
May 19, 2020

Time in Mommy’s Dungeon

My dungeon is my place of peace, my sacred place, my haven – and you are here today in order for Dommy Mommy to play. Firstly, I will tie you up and strap your legs spread against the bed.  You don’t need to see what I am doing because you are going to use the senses of your ears, nose and mouth to feel my very presence.  Now that you lay naked on the bed with your legs spread wide and your diminutive clitty cock exposed, I will begin my […]
April 2, 2020

Come And Suck On Mommy’s Sweet Milk

In the morning when I arise from my slumber and I go to check on my abdl baby, his little tiny clit-sized 2 inch pee pee usually soaks his diaper so much. I still don’t understand how something so small and puny can make such a giant mess. His diaper is always so full and soaked with pee. So, I take the baby wipes and clean off all of the pee residue from his little itty bitty nuts and then his nipple-sized clitty cock. I then put the baby lotion […]
January 21, 2019

The Young Step Mommy Warning!

 Well, I can see you didn’t take your new stepmommy seriously. I told you when I left on the honeymoon with your father that I expected you to be moved out by the time we came back. You’re 23! You need to be out on your own.  But I also said you had a choice – if you wanted to stay, you could. But if you were going to be living here like a little Abdl child, it was going to be just as though you are a child! No […]
September 9, 2018

Dumb Diaper Princess

My, my, just look at what we have here! A sweet adult baby girl all dolled up and double diapered in a thick layer of pink crinklyness. And after all of that lovely abdl hypnosis play, our little sweetie here is just totally regressed! Isn’t that right, princess? Haha although she may look like a grown man in a thick disposable adult baby diaper, what you’re looking at is adult baby Mommy’s diaper princess, abdl regression complete and only able to babble at her dommy mommy and mess her diaper […]
March 26, 2018

Diaper Cummies

  Mommy’s little baby boy woke up this morning with a funny tickle in his wittle bitty pee pee. Wriggling around his crib on his belly, baby boy starts to rub his crinkly adult baby diaper against the softness of his crib. Ooo, what is this feeling welling up inside your little self? Mommy is watching from the doorway as her little stinker rubs and wriggles all over his crib, his diapered bottom waving in the air. Baby’s pee pee feels good like that, but even better when Mommy comes […]
January 16, 2017

Forced to Wear Abdl Diapers

I hate to do this to you, sweetie, but you’re going to have to start wearing phone sex diapers again. Why? You do remember wetting yourself, don’t you? And you weren’t even asleep for that, you just said you didn’t feel anything coming!  So, since you can’t control your bladder like the grown adult I thought you were, you’ll have to wear a diaper like the adult baby you’re turning back into! And, no, I don’t particularly care that this is going to embarrass you. In fact, I’m counting on […]
September 11, 2016

Are You Painting Mommy A Pretty Picture?

Look at your playing in your messy diaper for mommy! What a cute Adult baby Boy you are making your Abdl mommy a beautiful picture! Mommy loves it! Can I help you sweet baby, mommy would love to sit and play with you. Can mommy Breastfeed you while you’re all covered in your poopy? Mommy Tawny Loves Toilet play, just like you do! So come on my sweet baby let’s get you latched on, and you feel the warm liquid going down your throat. How does that taste sweet baby […]
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