October 4, 2015
Wake up my sweet little one! Open your eyes to greet the morning as Mr. Sunshine peeks through your window to kiss your face until you awaken. I love waking up before you each morning. I get to make my way into the nursery and take a seat in the padded rocking chair that sits near the corner close to the window. I rock slowly and quietly, being careful not to stir so that my sweet adult baby is able to finish resting. When you finally decide you have had enough sleep, you open your little eyes and I come over to stand above you at the edge of your crib and smile down into that adorable face. You always look so happy to see me, little diaper lover. I am always happy to see you too, of course! I love getting to be your mommy and take such good care of you however you might need it! XOXO, Barb 888-430-2010