December 20, 2015

Phone Sex for XXXmas

In this day and age, most of us seem so blessed to have all that we do… It can often be quite hard to try and shop for our loved ones. Sometimes, it can be even harder to shop for ourselves! After talking to many of you naughty little ones, I think I know what most of you will be asking Santa for this Christmas… ABDL Phone Sex! What could be better than knowing that with the push of a button, you could be spending your holidays chatting with a sexy MILF? Especially when you know that if you make a mess in that adult baby diaper of yours, mommy is right there to lay you down on the changing table and clean you up again. Your choice of cloth or disposable diapers comes next, and I will take my time wiping you down before I put that new clean diaper on you! Let me make your Christmas wish come true! XOXO, Barb 888-430-2010
December 20, 2015

BathTime With Mommy Crissy

I absolutley love ABDL playtime, but you want to know what this Mommy/diaper lover really loves? BATHTIME! Yes that’s right, I love giving my abdls their baths in the tub. Bathtime always makes my abdls in a great mood even if they’re cranky! I just stick their little hineys in the tub and they light up when I dump a bucket of their favorite bath time toys in there! Some of abdl’s like it with lots and lots of bubbles and some don’t want any at all but I do know one thing, they all love splashing and getting Mommy’s dress all wet and soapy! It’s almost like they want Mommy to get in the tub with them! Silly little adult baby Mommy can’t fit in the bath tub with you! So stay still and stop moving that little hiney so mommy can scrub my little abdl and make you squeaky clean before I put you in your fresh new diaper! Crissy 888*430*2010
December 20, 2015

ABDL Christmas Sing a long

On the seventh day of christmas my abdl gave to me, seven binkies swinging,  six bottles making, five mommies nursing, four diapers falling, three wipes a wiping, two abbies crying and one crib for sleeping On the eigth day of christmas my abdl gave to me, eight toys a clanking seven binkies swinging,  six bottles making, five mommies nursing, four diapers falling, three wipes a wiping, two abbies crying and one crib for sleeping On the ninth day of christmas my abdl gave to me, nine onessies snapping, eight toys a clanking, seven binkies swinging,  six bottles making, five mommies nursing, four diapers falling, three wipes a wiping, two abbies crying and one crib for sleeping On the tenth day of christmas my abdl gave to me, ten blankets drying, nine onessies snapping, eight toys a clanking, seven binkies swinging,  six bottles making, five mommies nursing, four diapers falling, three wipes a wiping, two abbies crying and one crib for sleeping On the eleventh day of christmas my abdl gave to me, eleven cartoons a playing, ten blankets drying, nine onessies snapping, eight toys a clanking, seven binkies swinging,  six bottles making, five mommies nursing, four diapers falling, three wipes a wiping, two abbies crying and one crib for sleeping On the twelvth day of christmas my abdl gave to me, twelve diapers changing eleven cartoons a playing, ten blankets drying, nine onessies snapping, eight toys a clanking, seven binkies swinging,  six bottles making, five mommies nursing, four diapers falling, three wipes a wiping, two abbies crying and one crib for sleeping Ava 888*430*2010 Read the first half of this adult baby christmas song here.  
December 13, 2015

Baby Girl’s First Outing

After I trained my sissy to wear her new shoes, dress, stockings, underwear, and makeup, I decided that it was time to take her out in public for the first time. We went to the park by our house after I dressed her up all pretty in her nice new dress and new makeup, stockings, and shoes. I held her hand as I lead her out to they play area and walked over to all the other mommies waiting for their sissies and watching them play. I told her to go play with the other sissies, and she was a little shy at first, but eventually she decided that they other sissies looked like they were having fun and she wanted to join them. She had so much fun at the park and wasn’t nearly as embarrassed as she thought she would be. I can’t wait to bring my little sissy to the park next weak and watch her have fun. —Barbie <3 888-430-2010
December 13, 2015

Baby Girl’s First Outing

After I trained my sissy to wear her new shoes, dress, stockings, underwear, and makeup, I decided that it was time to take her out in public for the first time. We went to the park by our house after I dressed her up all pretty in her nice new dress and new makeup, stockings, and shoes. I held her hand as I lead her out to they play area and walked over to all the other mommies waiting for their sissies and watching them play. I told her to go play with the other sissies, and she was a little shy at first, but eventually she decided that they other sissies looked like they were having fun and she wanted to join them. She had so much fun at the park and wasn’t nearly as embarrassed as she thought she would be. I can’t wait to bring my little sissy to the park next weak and watch her have fun. —Barbie <3 888-430-2010
December 13, 2015

Naughty or Nice?

Hello all of you little ones out there! I hope that you have all been on your best behavior this year! Santa is watching and as you are well aware, if you have been naughty, you will end up with a few fat lumps of coal in your stocking! Nice boys and girls get presents and toys in their stocking and under the tree! This goes for Santa as well as your abdl mommy! If you have not been minding what she has to say, you will probably be disappointed on Christmas morning! I know that when dealing with my adult baby diaper lovers, I have to take into consideration their behavior all year, not just their excited, hyper, and unfocused behavior during the holidays. We all know how exciting it can be! Most of my sissies are so well behaved.. I think that my other sweeties should take note of that now that the big day is right around the corner! XOXO, Barb 888-430-2010
December 13, 2015

My New Diapers

I got my new abdl phone sex diapers today and I love them! I always prefer bambinos over cushies or depends or any other brand of adult diaper out there. I just love being able to feel safe and secure in my diaper and bambinos have that extra padding that gives me that comfort and security I need when wearing an adult diaper! I love how thick they are because even when I don’t have a pair of plastic panties to put on over them they’re still super absorbant and hold everything in so I don’t need to worry about having any leaks or accidents while I’m sleeping or out and about! So what is your favorite kind of diaper to wear around the house or in public? There are so many adult diapers to choose from sometimes its hard to choose isn’t it? Well tell me about it! When it comes to adult diaper phone sex it’s almost impossible to choose! Crissy 888*430*2010
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