Baby Betsy

Baby Betsy
Baby Betsy
Baby Betsy
Baby Betsy

My Bio: 

     Hey, I'm Baby Betsy. I love being a baby and being changed and coddled by a loving daddy or mommy. I love breastfeeding and having mommy feed me from her warm, soft, milk filled titties. I also love it when daddy changes me and takes extra long time putting on the diaper rash medicine. Of course it?s cause he says he wants to make sure his baby girl is fully protected, but it feel so good.

    Taking a bath is one of my favorite times. When daddy gets me undressed and sits me down gently in the bath tub and waits for me to soak before he gets me all lathered up and ready to play. He fills my tub up with bath toys he bought just for me. I love my blocks and rubber ducky's the best. He makes sure I have tons of fun before he starts washing me up and getting me ready for bed time.

    Then after bath time is done daddy puts lotion on my whole body cause he says our bodies need to drink to so they can be smooth for their daddies. So after he is done with the lotion he puts on my diaper and lays me next to him to fall asleep. He makes sure I am nice and relaxed before I fall asleep. He will turn on my favorite nursery rhyme and massage me to sleep. I hope you can come be my new daddy since my has been at work all day and night here lately. I would really like to play?.

    Love Baby Betsy

  • Being Changed by Daddy

  • Wearing Diapys

  • Playing in Nursery

  • Bottle Feeding

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January 19, 2019

Ready To Go To Abdl Daycare?

I think we need an abdl daycare.  A safe place made just for abdl’s and their abdl Mommy’s would be a lot of fun! All the babies can play with each other while the Mommies chat and watch over their little ones.  Best of all is that even if a Mommy takes her eyes off her baby, she’ll know that with all the Mommies there that the chance of her baby being able to get up to something is very slim.  Playing fun games with the other babies will be […]
December 19, 2018

It’s fun to play in a diaper pile!!

Have you ever taken one of your cute abdl diapers and just slid your hands over it? Ever opened the diaper so that you could run the soft, cottony insideor the crinkly outside against your skin, flipping it over and over to comparethe sensations?  I have! I actually gotten in a little bit of trouble with my diapers the other day because I love to play with them so much.  I took all the diapers from underneath my changing table, the ones in my closest, the ones we’ve got tucked […]