January 19, 2019

Ready To Go To Abdl Daycare?

I think we need an abdl daycare.  A safe place made just for abdl’s and their abdl Mommy’s would be a lot of fun! All the babies can play with each other while the Mommies chat and watch over their little ones.  Best of all is that even if a Mommy takes her eyes off her baby, she’ll know that with all the Mommies there that the chance of her baby being able to get up to something is very slim.  Playing fun games with the other babies will be […]
December 19, 2018

It’s fun to play in a diaper pile!!

Have you ever taken one of your cute abdl diapers and just slid your hands over it? Ever opened the diaper so that you could run the soft, cottony insideor the crinkly outside against your skin, flipping it over and over to comparethe sensations?  I have! I actually gotten in a little bit of trouble with my diapers the other day because I love to play with them so much.  I took all the diapers from underneath my changing table, the ones in my closest, the ones we’ve got tucked […]
December 7, 2018

Silly Adult Babies Get Spankings

  So, what do you think I should be doing with you? You are a silly adult baby, and you think that you can say no to me when I’m telling you to come over to me so I can put you back in your diaper after your bath? If you are thinking for just a second that there might be the slightest chance that I won’t bend you over my lap and smack your little bottom till it’s red and you will be crying so hard that you won’t […]
December 4, 2018

Diaper Loving Sissy

When my friend Angela called me to come over and hang out with you while she was out I never imagined that this is how I would find you! What is that you’re wearing, is that an adult diaper? Hahaha and here I thought you just liked the company when your cuckoldress girlfriend was out but nope, it looks like you need a damn babysitter to take care of your diaper changes. By the look on your face it seems like me showing up was a total surprise to you, […]
December 3, 2018

Adult Baby Sat For Real Part 2

It actually hurt, and it wasn’t even a spanking and you had the padding of your diaper. You shivered to think what she might do with a real spanking! When she decided to change your diaper a few minutes ago, she simply picked you up off the floor and carried you on her hip back to the nursery. You realized that with her, you were like a mere baby would be to any normal size woman! If she could carry you in one arm like that, she could do anything […]
September 9, 2018

Mommy Mimi Has To Punish You

You’ve been misbehaving too much the last few days! Coloring on the walls, trying to eat your crayons, pulling all your toys out of your toy chest and flinging them all over that place…and now you waited till I wasn’t looking to take your diaper off and run through the house! Do you think that you can do that and just get away with it? You definitely can’t, and now I am laying you across my knees to show you what happens when you get too naughty! That fetish abdl […]
September 9, 2018

Dumb Diaper Princess

My, my, just look at what we have here! A sweet adult baby girl all dolled up and double diapered in a thick layer of pink crinklyness. And after all of that lovely abdl hypnosis play, our little sweetie here is just totally regressed! Isn’t that right, princess? Haha although she may look like a grown man in a thick disposable adult baby diaper, what you’re looking at is adult baby Mommy’s diaper princess, abdl regression complete and only able to babble at her dommy mommy and mess her diaper […]
September 7, 2018

Forced Feminization Phone Sex Part 2

She told him that the only way that would happen would be if there were some “major changes”, starting with putting her in full control of everything. The Sissy Training contract was produced so fast, Andy wondered which female lawyer had already been working on it long before it was put in front of him.  The contract really gave Mistress Janey full control over everything – including him. If he left … and he wasn’t actually positive he could … he would have absolutely nothing. So, he stayed through the […]
July 2, 2018

Adult Baby / Diaper Lovers / Age Play

Do you have a diaper fetish and find yourself part of the bdsm world? It seems the two don’t necessarily go hand in hand for many abdl’s but you can see a correlation for yourself. That being said you don’t find that a bad thing. The bdsm world is very exotic and varied in its pursuits and you do enjoy the freedom that gives you on a personal level. Do you find that it is a path of discovery? By that I mean you are not 100% sure where it […]
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