October 10, 2015

Public Breastfeeding with Mommy Jenna

I love breastfeeding my adult baby in public. It makes me feel like I am the center of the universe. We slink off to a private little corner where people can still see us but they pay less attention. Everyone who can see us stares at us. Some people are confused by us. Some are disgusted by us. But anyone who knows the sissy baby lifestyle is insanely jealous of us. People watch you lay your head on my chest and pull the collar of my shirt below my breasts […]
October 10, 2015

Hungry Little Baby

When I got home from work today, my aby would not stop crying. I tried to change his diaper, but it was clean! I finally decided that he was probably hungry. I heated up some formula for him and put it in his bottle, but he wouldn’t drink it. After I tried to make him drink for a few minutes, I realized that he just didn’t want the bottle—my aby wanted his milk straight from Mommy’s titty. I had been pumping my milk for him a few times a week, […]
October 9, 2015

Anything Goes Phone Sex

I’m an anything goes phone sex mommy that has what it takes blow your load AND your mind. Have the full fetish phone sex experience with absolutely no limits and no taboos! There aren’t any restrictions here! You can get as kinky as you want! Let loose and tell me about all your dark twisted fantasies. Let me nurture your kinks instead of trying to tame them! Maybe you have a thing for a little role play? Well what are you in the mood for? Maybe some I can be […]
October 9, 2015

Mommy and Baby Time

Mommy loves her diaper lover so much!! And Mommy knows after were through with our mommy phone sex session, you will be telling mommy how much you love her too! You have a special sort of bond with mommy don’t you? Well you know mommy loves her young man just as much! Maybe even more than daddy! But ssshhh, don’t tell your father about our special bonding time while he’s away on his business trips. Especially don’t tell him how you like to climb into mommys bed in the middle […]
October 4, 2015

Wake Up, Baby!

Wake up my sweet little one! Open your eyes to greet the morning as Mr. Sunshine peeks through your window to kiss your face until you awaken. I love waking up before you each morning. I get to make my way into the nursery and take a seat in the padded rocking chair that sits near the corner close to the window. I rock slowly and quietly, being careful not to stir so that my sweet adult baby is able to finish resting. When you finally decide you have had […]
October 3, 2015

Hostage Phone Sex

Let’s play home invader phone sex and kidnap the naughty girls and boys right out of their bedrooms! I can think of so many different ways we can entertain ourselves with their unwilling defenseless bodies bound together on the floor. The quiet ones are alright but I really love making the bratty ones whine and squeal. Reminds me of a little piggie the way they squeak! There is nothing more soothing than once they’ve finally given up the fight and they’re looking up at you with those wide little eyes, […]
October 3, 2015

Two Mommies Are Better then One

Sometimes Mommy Ava needs help with my adult baby. Mommy has things she needs to do and can’t always take aby with me. My good friend Mommy Crissy is always willing to baby sit my aby. Mommy Crissy is a sweet nurturing mommy, who loves to take good care of all adult babies, who just happens to live next door to me. Even though we have very different parenting styles, she is the ying to my yang and we just love doing 2 girl calls together. There is only one […]
October 3, 2015

Sissy Poem

Brand new diapers soft and sweet, laying at my babies feet. Sissy dresses pink and new, mommy knows just what to do. ABDL so cute and small, mommy takes him to the mall. Buys him dresses blue and pink, gives him kisses and a wink. Gets him suckers and some toys, nothing made for little boys. Takes him to see all sorts of men, sucks their cocks again and again. Good little sissy mouth so wide, makes men happy fill mommy with pride. strap on dildo in your ass, never […]
October 3, 2015

Let mommy Liz diaper you

So I love surprises. I get them so rarely in my life. The first time I walked in to find my boyfriend, at the time, in diapers I was definitely surprised. This was a few years ago and was my first taste of the abdl world. I instantly loved it. I love taking care of him like a baby, being with this diaper lover man. Things didn’t work with him as a boyfriend much longer, but I did continue visiting him as a mommy for a while more. I love […]
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