November 4, 2015

Diaper Change with Mommy Barbie

When my little aby has a stinky diaper, there’s only one thing on Mommy Barbie’s mind. Let’s get clean! I lay by aby down on the changing table and pull off his little pants (and plastic diaper cover, if he has one). Then, I lift up his little ankles over his head and pull the messy diaper out from under him. After that, I like to take some nice warm wet wipes to clean off my little boy’s bum. After I’m sure that I’ve gotten all the mess off, I’ll […]
November 4, 2015

Tiny Penis Punishment

You know you don’t talk back to Mommy! You have been a very bad boy and it is time for your punishment. You haven’t been telling mommy when you need your adult diaper changed. Mommy has been catching you sneaking off to the bathroom to pee or walking around in a wet diaper for hours. You are embarrassed by your tiny cock. You don’t want Mommy to see how small tiny and disappointing it is. But now everyone is going to see it. Mommy is going to make sure everyone […]
November 1, 2015

Full and Stinky Diaper

Sometimes, it takes a really long time for diapers to get totally filled up and super stinky. Often, it does not take much time at all! I have plenty of adult babies who start out making little bitty messes in their diapers and they smell so bad! Lots of times, the diaper lovers who spend all day in diapers will leave me the biggest mess of all! I know that they save up their messes so that I have lots of extra work to do when it comes to doing […]
October 31, 2015

Mommy’s Little Cuckold Baby

If you’re a fan of cuckold phone sex then boy do I have a story to tell you! I met this loser on Craig list who was basically the most pathetic miserable excuse of a man I’ve ever seen. He made a post about how he needed a pityfuck because every girl ends up leaving him because he can’t keep it up. He’s tried viagra, cialis, and every other little booster he could get and it still didn’t work. He wanted a woman that could work with him and his […]
October 31, 2015

Mommy’s Little Cuckold Baby

If you’re a fan of cuckold phone sex then boy do I have a story to tell you! I met this loser on Craig list who was basically the most pathetic miserable excuse of a man I’ve ever seen. He made a post about how he needed a pityfuck because every girl ends up leaving him because he can’t keep it up. He’s tried viagra, cialis, and every other little booster he could get and it still didn’t work. He wanted a woman that could work with him and his […]
October 31, 2015

Cuddle me Tawny

Oh, the things I have learned since I have been hanging around with a new friend. She is part of the ABDL and BDSM scenes. It started out with us going to a “cuddle” party. It was a smaller, more private gathering so she said.  There was a main room where you could just enjoy meeting other people and engaging in stimulating conversation. Then a more comfortable room with lots of fluffy couches, pillows on the floor and beds. She told me this was the cuddle room. Couples were all […]
October 31, 2015

Halloween Fun Cont

I told you about the first adult baby on my rounds at Phoneamommy but left off at my second stop which was Frankie. Frankie is a fantastic ABDL but he wanted to live out his fantasy of dressing as a dominatrix. We made plans far in advance and discussed his wardrobe. We stayed pretty traditional. What do you think? I think he would fool pretty much anyone that he’s a graceful, sexy and in charge dominatrix. He does need to work on his attitude a bit more. He is just such a sweetheart. Well […]
October 27, 2015

Halloween Opportunities

With the end of the month just days away, so is Halloween! What other holiday is there that you can toe the line of acceptable fashion in public? Not considering Christmas sweaters. Those things are just awful. How about something that you can indulge your fetish in? There are a multitude of ways to sneak a diaper into a costume. There’s being a baby, of course. Maybe be an older person, wearing Depends with a walking cane. For the sissies out there, a voluminous skirt would hide a diaper easily. […]
October 25, 2015

Forced Feminization

Halloween is the perfect time for some humiliation phone sex. I mean just think about it, you have the perfect excuse to go out into public and wear whatever it is you want no matter how ridiculous or revealing it is! This is a time where I really get to put my sick and twisted sadistic imagination to work. I’ll have all my little submissive wearing whatever I want. Maybe I’ll force feminize them and put them in a trashy little sexy costume. And for my abdl slaves I might […]
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