December 13, 2015

Ava’s Into Sissy’s

I think it’s time to play a little game I like to play with all my callers Let’s see if you can spot the sissy faggot.  First you just need to take a minute and think about everything a sissy faggot loves. Well for starters there’s a big possibility they’re into sissifacation phone sex. One way or another they will always find themselves calling some sort of hotline to talk to someone and share with them about how much of a big sissy faggot loser they are. They might be wearing a […]
December 13, 2015

Ava’s Into Sissy’s

I think it’s time to play a little game I like to play with all my callers Let’s see if you can spot the sissy faggot.  First you just need to take a minute and think about everything a sissy faggot loves. Well for starters there’s a big possibility they’re into sissifacation phone sex. One way or another they will always find themselves calling some sort of hotline to talk to someone and share with them about how much of a big sissy faggot loser they are. They might be wearing a […]
December 13, 2015

My New Diapers

I got my new abdl phone sex diapers today and I love them! I always prefer bambinos over cushies or depends or any other brand of adult diaper out there. I just love being able to feel safe and secure in my diaper and bambinos have that extra padding that gives me that comfort and security I need when wearing an adult diaper! I love how thick they are because even when I don’t have a pair of plastic panties to put on over them they’re still super absorbant and […]
December 12, 2015

Sing -a-Long Time!

Ho ho ho! Welcome back my Adult Babies and Diaper lover friends! I am glad to see that you’re back to visit the nursery while its all decorated with pretty twinkle lights. I think that makes it better for little ABys to sleep; that way they won’t be afraid of the dark! But even if they are, mommy is right over in the next room, and will always come to protect you from any scary monsters. Then I will sing you back to a sweet, sweet sleep. Speaking of singing […]
December 10, 2015

Holiday Present For Diaper Lovers

For those that celebrate Christmas, this can be a very exciting time. What’s not to love about a decorated tree, strings of shiny bright lights, and getting to sit in Santa’s lap? He knows if your name is on the ‘naughty or nice’ list, so you should be on your best behavior if you want lots of presents! Indulging in fun diaper fetishes doesn’t put you on the ‘naughty’ list, just so you know.  Wouldn’t boxes of diapers under the Christmas tree be an exciting surprise? Maybe handmade cloth diapers, […]
December 6, 2015

Mommy Barbie Babysits

I was called to babysit such a lovely little sissy boy weekend. Her mommy left and for a while we played games and watched movies, but eventually I noticed that his little clitty was getting hard in her diaper. I knew that if I wanted to be a good babysitter I would have to help her fix it. I told him to come to his changing table so that I could change his diaper. She got up on the changing table and I pushed up her little skirt up and […]
December 6, 2015

Bouncy Baby

  As cute as you little adult babies are, sometimes I have a hard time keeping you still during diaper changes! It makes it so hard on mommy when you wiggle around and squirm under my hands while I have you up on the changing table. It is so hard for me to stay mad about it though, because the smile on your little faces make it all worth it. The diaper lovers do not squirm as much because they are a bit more mature than my little ones who […]
December 6, 2015

adult baby Christmas

Christmas is coming, I am so excited. I hope that my adult baby is just as excited. It would be a great time for my adult baby to spend time with Mommy, we would get to put the tree together and decorate it. We would get the house all ready for Santa, put up stockings, and watch Christmas movies. I cannot wait to go shopping for all the fetish-related gifts that my nice, sweet adult baby wants for Christmas. Trust me Mommy checked the good/naughty list. Though Mommy will surprise […]
December 6, 2015


Oh that’s right sit over there in that chair and watch. My lover will be any minute and I want you were you belong. How lucky am I to have married a man who only gets off on watching his wife have sex with other men? My cuckie hubby. Then I get to make you come over to the bed where my lover has just fucked me good and hard and make you lick every bit of cum from him out of my still hot cunt. Umm how is it? Do […]
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